Life has a way of dealing with things. When you actually think that there is no hope left, life turns around and gives you just that.
Finally, my plans to leave for home seems real. I will be leaving for my home town tommorrow ...... after lots of scheduling and rescheduling my leave plans. Finally my PM has been convinced that she can let me go for 2 days ( imagine, 2 WHOLE days :)), without the project falling apart. I will be going back home after about a year. After all these years and years of staying away from home, it always feels nice to go back to home ( even if it is for 2 days). Home is where you get pampared for no particular reason. You can refuse to pick up things, make your bed/eat/drink/ bath ( eeeks!!! ) / be nice and no one will say a damn thing to you. You don't have to smile at everyone who passes by and you will still feel at home.
When we used to return home for summer vacations, it used to be so much fun. 2 and half months of watching TV and sleeping. It was a relief from the schedule at hostel (PT at 5:30, 7:30 breakfast .... etc). We actually used to maintain a notebook where we would jot down the list of movies that we saw during the holidays so that we could go back to hostel and compare notes on who saw the most :)) Then the movie story session would be held each sunday afternoon....
[ Back to the present :)]
Weekened was good. Went to meet a very good friend from college. She has recently got married and looking at her, I was convinced to put off mariage by atleast another 1-2 years :)
Another long lost friend called me today catch up on each others lifes, and it really felt good to be talking to her again after about a year of losing touch.
Hoping to meet many other "bachpan ke" friends in Calcutta.
6 days ago