The Christmas week has started here. Was expecting to see a lot of lights and decorations here for Christmas. But I must say, I am disappointed. There is hardly any decorations/ lights anywhere except for the City Centre. The only place where I can feel the excitement is in my workplace. For the past 2-3 weeks, my colleagues have been discussing about Christmas presents. iPods are probably the hottest pick since all the shops are sold out on it. We went to buy one as a present for a friend who is going back to India and to our disappointment we could not find anything except 60GB anywhere. Finally we had to settle for a 2GB white Nano. As for Christmas excitement for me, the only thing that excites me here is the carol singing in the malls. People get together in groups in various places in the mall. One can sit for hours together and listen to them. Here a picture of the mall. It actually shows what a lousy photographer like me can do to a nice and lively place.

I am going to Scotland for Christmas. It’s a 4-day holiday and we plan to go to edinburg, Glaslow, Fort William and many other places. Am particularly excited about skiing. And I plan to get lots of lots of pictures and souvenirs for my family and boyfriend. I am hoping desperately for a white Christmas