I am not the kind of person who would give away money easily on tips.
But there are instances when I do appreciate good service.
One such instance was when I landed at the Calcutta( I hate the sound of kolkata!) airport on my way home for diwali. Anyone who has been to the Calcutta airport would vouch that searching for a particular taxi from the pleathora of taxis is an ardous task. As I was trying to look for mine in the scorching heat, a small boy, must have been not more than 10 years came running to me , asking me the number I was searching for. As soon as he heard me, he started running along the fleet of taxis shouting at me to stay there in the shade while he searches for it. In less than a minute he came running back, pulled my trolley away from me and started wheeling it towards one corner as I hastened to keep up with him lest he runs aways with my luggage. Suddenly he stopped at one taxi, opened the door, threw my luggage in and stood with the open door grinning at me. I opened my purse and before I could do anythung, he said...thoda zyada dena madam...khana nahi khaya hai..So smiling,I gave him a good amount and before I could bat an eye, he disappered just like he has appeared and then I saw him at a distance wheeling away another passengers trolley and excitedly chatting with him. I smiled.
6 days ago