Over the last 1 week, I am getting the gist of what doctors feel - after a major operation without clear results.
What I am getting at is , we had a major rollout for our application in Europe. In the perfect world, it was supposed to be a 2 hour process ( or "operation ") . This 2 hours operation was possible because I ( an amateur in SQL Server administration) had gone thorugh a labyrinth of MSDN tech articles to tweak a 6 hour process into 2. Now, this 2 hour process stretched into 12 because we attempted to virtualize SQL server and our ever complex application - and after 5 days we still haven't figurd out the cause of our application and server behaving abnormally. I have spent too many hrs in the early AM trying to figure out teh cause.
The only answer we have for the users is - its too early to say anything, lets wait and watch!! too doctorly ;)
6 days ago