I have always had very high expectations from life from childhood to alduthood...in fact this bubble has never bursted even now..
When I was small and in school, I dreamt of First prizes and hounours in schools and sports...when I moved to high school I dreamt of cool colleges (dreams flamed by album videos of everyone playing basketball in cool wooden courts)
In college I dreamt of nice importatnt jobs (among other thinsgs ;)) where i was there to save the world...had amazing perks...with vacations in exotic locations to owning beautiful apartments and homes..pretty far fretched now that I think of it.The bubble soon burst and the last year of college was spent in dreaming of *any* job (where I was still saving the world)
Then I got my job and then after a lot many months, I realized how useless my dreams were. All my life I had dreamt of something better and had worked really hard for it...When I was young and small, I got many of my dreams fulfilled...maybe because my dreams were realistic and somethings I could achieve. But as I grew older, my dreams got unrealistic ...and I think I stopped trying to fullfill them. I stopped trying hard and started dreamsing more...and then got frustated that my dreasm were not getting fulfilled...and this went into a vicious circle. The more I got frustated , th emore I dreamt of my dreams getting fulfilled without me trying ..maybe bceuase I had tried so hard all my little life and had seen other getting everything without trying...and fort once I wanted that to happen to me..but it never happened...whenever i stopped trying hard..things just tubmled down..maybe I should stop dreaming...
6 days ago