For some very strange reason, new year brings upon a cloud of depression around me. Its the time of the year, when the past kind of flashes around you. You remember the various new year resolutions that you made and subsequently broke :)) And then finally it comes back to you that the entire year just kind of flew by. I can't think of any one thing that I did during the past year that I am proud of :( (Not counting the Old lady in the local train, that was my duty :) )
Today was good....10 hrs in office and still counting :) Was able to set up the clustered server here after 15 days of trying. Will probably write a mail to my Oniste leader informing him abt this. Am thinking of telling him that this is the New Year's gift :)) Nowadays, I kind of enjoy my time in office. Getting some intersting stuff to do...[of course, the non interseting things- I delegate ;0) ]
Have to give a presentation tommorrow. I have no clue on what I am going to speak. So I guess, I shall make a move from office right now, with the printouts of all kinds of documents :))
6 days ago
setting up a clustered server and presenting it to onsite buddy as a new year gift...hmm...nice present!!
hmmm...first of all thanks for visiting my blog..and commenting on it too.
So it seems you have finaaly started blogging after all.Good start!
But the idea of a cluster as a gift to your onsite...isn't it a little too much??
Well highwayman, I was sitting on this clustered thing for quite some time now, and my onsite TM was kind of waiting patiently...That's why the gift...coz you know how mean they can get ...right?
and why this poor soul was ignored while giving replies??
well Maverick, Sorry for ignoring you. Well as a matter of fact, I did not do it purposefuly. It was just that I did not have anything to say to you. Thought of putting up a "highwayman and Maverick " but did not it ..
Well I really like your way where in you reply to every comment that you get....keep up the good act :))
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