Life has been pretty normal for the few past weeks. So normal that I can't think of anything to blog about. Have been reading and watching a lot of TV during the past days.
Thought of posting a few quotes that I liked:
Walk a mile in other people's shoes.
You'll be a mile ahead and you' have their shoes too.
- a newspaper ad
Yesterday is dead, tommorrow hasn't arrived yet.
I have just one day and I'm going to be happy in it.
- The Sunday Times of India
Faith is - acceptance of that
which we imagine to be true,
that which we cannot prove.
-Da Vinci Code
When a question has no correct answer,
there is only one honest response.
The gray area between yes and no - Silence
-Da Vinci Code
6 days ago
Loved the last one!!
Thanks Maverick, for pushing me to write this post... :)
If it wudn't have been for your constant "are you ever going to write" comments , I wudn't have written this post :)
The last one is really amazing....and very very practical.
BTW ...this almost does not qualify as a post...and I know there is things happening enough in your life to blog do write them...
Guess u r sleeping again!!
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