For someone who has been following the Presidential race for the past few months and has been watching "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" for most of the information on the race, the past few months has been highly entertaining.
My husband and I never forget to watch the above mentioned shows everyday. Yes, Evryday. And in that 1 hour you will usually find us laughing out loud, looking at each other in disbelief, uttering the phrase "how stupid can one be" numerous times , among other things. At it seems, we love the show for its satire.
Yesterday we were just talking about how pro-obama teh entire media is. Or is it really? I think and hope not. The media is teh single largest force that shapes ones opinion and it would be largely irresponsible for the media to be pro one candidate.
But then why do we keep hearing funning and unbeliveble things about McCain and Palin while we don't hear such things about Obama and Biden. the answer is : because McCain and Palin give fodder for the news much more than the other party. The 24x7 news concept survives on juicy tidbits. If they become fair and give each candidate equal coverage, they would have to be very selective on material for republcans and thus lose some good juicy news. While they would report less popular news on Obama which would in turn be very boring. And also, because I think they exhausted all news on Obama during the democratic prelimanaries. That period was high exposure for both Obama and Hillary as it was highly contested and bitterly faught. Hillary left no stone unturned on Obama and so everything is now old news.
Anyways, this post is not on the responsibilities of the media but on McCain and Palin. If you have been following the race, you would know how utterly foolish and stupid both the candidates are. I respect McCain and all the expirience and knowledge that he has. But he totally blew that respect when he chose Palin as the running mate. Does he really think women are so stupid that if Hillary wasn't running, they would choose *ANY* woman? For that matter, anyone who wore lipstick? What he doesn't get it is people realized that soon after the republican convention. I must admit, I was impressed by Palin after her speech at the GOP convention. (Though, I must add - there is something wrong with her face when she speaks). At that time, we thought that maybe after all McCain did a good thing. But that impression soon turned into dirt after she said that her foriegn policy expirience comes from Alaska's proximity to Russia. C'mon, haven't we had enough of those douchebag and ignorant talks in the past 8 years. The Daily Show and Colbert Report thrive on that. Do we really want Tina Fey to come back to Saturay Night Life for the next 8 years? The answer is "No". McCain - you lost it. People are not stupid. They no longer want or can afford the war. Keep the war in your pockets so you can take them out once we come out of the economic crisis. you can solve both. Both issues need money and money doesn't grow on trees.
Btw, an interesting talk on how Mccain is asking Goldman Sach employees for money. i think its a fart news - but nevertheless - entertaining.
Btw, if you haven't watched Tinay Fey on SNL - i highly recommend watching it. The entertainment factor is 20 out of 10 ;)
1 week ago
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