I left Bihar and moved to Chennai and then NOIDA and then Pune and Mumbai. I could move freely between these states because I am an Indian and its my constitutional and fundamental right to move anywhere in India. This is because I am an Indian first and a Bihari next.
This whole MNS issue threatens to challenge our national itnegrity and unity.
Well, if Raj Thackeray is bothered about people coming into your city and making it deplorable, there are many things that you can do about it other than abusing or terrorizing north Indians. Beating some defenceless students from Bihar or taking aways the livelihood of a poor taxiwalah does not reflect the pride that maharashtra stands for. My husband is a maharahstrian and I know and belive that maharashtrians are very calm and are an intellect community.
Since this topic has been coming up in almost all the states like Tamil Nadu, Assam Maharashtra, Karnataka I guess it is high time something is done for it.
1) Making Marathi compulsary as a third language: I think its a non issue. Even though i think people should have a right to choose what they learn (like I had), in order to give credit to the issue of "giving the local culture credit", they can make an attempt at learning the language. Its not going to make anyone less mharashtrian or less Indian or less bihari.
2) Displaying Marathi signboards. All corporations should have an option to display thier signboards in english or any language that they choose. However, to give credit to local people, they can display the name in the regional language in small letters.
3) Movement of people: There is nothing that can be done without hurting caliber. People of india are allowed to go anyhwere and set up buisness or jobs as long as these jobs are willing to take them. If you want local people to get jobs, educate them and train them and make them competitive.
4) Mumbai is what it is because of contributing of not only the local but also from outside the city. Instead of abusing them ,appreciate their contribution to the economics of the city and make them appreciative of the culture. Show them your culture and they will appreciate it. How many of the non maharashtrians don't participate in ganapti? My uncle is a bihari but celebrates all 10 days of ganapati.
i) Promote ad financially support Marathi literature and poetry.
ii) Hold festivals like Delli Haat and showcase the regional culture
5) Crime Rate: Has it been proven by any independent, objective study that the currently high crime rates are linked to immigrants and which immigrants?
6) Mumbai is not maharashtra. Why don't you put your attention and finances at work in the rest of the state to support those farmers.
7) Why don't you crate employment generation schemes in a small town so people don't have to migrate.
1 week ago
Nice dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.
I ever realised we r not Maharashtrian until raj opened his mouth and what succeeded. I was attacked despite knowing marathi... this is true maha racism. it will always stay in my mind. I hate u.. maha
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