"Pawar said like leaders from Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka have got a chance to occupy the prime minister's chair, a Maharashtrian should also be given the opportunity." [Source]
Yeah right. Now we should have a state wise rotation for the PM's seat. Last election someone from punjab was the PM, so this year someone from Haryana should be the PM.
Don't you get it you stupid politician. PMship is not a right. A PM is a leader. Be a leader and your turn will come. Stop this regional gibberish.
6 days ago
ha ha ... now we are going to have PM on rotation too ....
Think Old Time Cricket - when selectors were from all regions, pushing their own wards, politicking at its best:) till it took a Saurav, Dhoni to break it down....so the same thing eventually will happen here!!! And till such time we have masala to fill the pages, media & what have you
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